Tuesday 6 May 2014

Early Birthday Celebration at Tang Music Box

Tomorrow is my Birthday, but my sis make a surprise birthday party for me on the eve of the Labour day ! So meaning i should celebrate my birthday the whole month of MAY !
This time our room is slightly smaller as there's only 5 of us.
 Me & the small birthday cake
 Selfie with my sis and the guys.

Had a quick dinner with hubby at the new Robinson Shopping centre located at the "Heeren shopping centre" basement. Forgot about the restaurant name. LOL. By looking outside the sushi prices look cheap, but when i when in i realized its actually per pieces and then there's a min. pcs that you will need to order. so Phew! But anyway the salmon is delicious. Every table, there's a few ipads for u to order the food.  

 superb salmon sushi (just by looking at the sushi colour)
saba fish
Attended my BFF's son baby shower at Changi Village. Brought the small gold horse from POH HENG. Luckily the gold prices now drop. Hence this small horse cost about $212.


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