Wednesday 23 April 2014

Updates for the past 2 weeks

Salmon Pepper Lunch
First time trying this salmon pepper lunch !
overall taste is not bad. But would still prefer the salmon to be not cooked at all. hahas!

Hello Kitty Vending Machine
Happen to find this pic somewhere inside the internet. So cool.. Im not sure what it actually sells too. But since im a ex hello kitty fan, im sure i will walk away and see and will definitely buy something too!

Nihon Mura Sushi for $1 per color plate
Went to dine with 2 of my friends at the Singapore Post Centre for this sushi $1 per plate. Its really cheap. Offer ends on 30 June 2014 !

You who came from the stars

Recently i just finish watching this drama. Super Nice. And i saw my friend posted this chocolate set! Arghh.. Super handsome !

Black kitty fortune cat

This is the black kitty fortune cat i have inside my room which i mentioned earlier on my the other blog post.

Mcdonald Spicy Challenge
 After i saw this poster, my hubby wants to try the level 3. but for me i confirm cannot make it. i only can up to level 2.. T.T

brought the level 2 & 3 burger. 
After drinking the mcdonald new Yuzu Mcfrizz, my hubby also decided to do one at home. the taste is awesome and similar to macdonald !! =)

now hello kitty launch this Hello Kitty bubbly world, in a very short period of time, the kitty is being sold out agn. only that luckily this time we can pre order and get it send to our place. if we need to queue up again im sure there will be fights again everywhere and it will be all over the news. 

now there's also Hello kitty mystamp book set.. aiyoyo.. how come hello kitty is so popular. luckily i stop collecting liao, if not i think i will be broke soon !!

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